Project Description
Project Content:
Business process models are used for the visual representation of business processes. They facilitate the communication and identification of opportunities for improvement of business processes. The aim of the SemReuse project is the development of methods and tool prototypes to support business process modeling and satisfy the suitable reuse of business process models. Through this sematic-based reuse of process models, the quality of business process models should be improved by the development of content analysis procedures and certification options. In addition, the productivity of modelers should increase. On the one hand semantic-based reuse of process models enables that the quality of business process models by the development of content analysis procedures and options of certifications improves and on the other that the productivity of the modeler increases. To achieve theses objectives, concepts from the field of Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM) can be used and extended.
The following topics are part of the research activities:
Investigation and evaluation of existing methods, formalisms and tool prototypes for semantic-based reuse of business process models.
Development of appropriate data structures for reusable models and metrics for quality assessment of business process models.
Development of methods for content analysis and adaptation of business process models and the management of different types of libraries.
Development of query language to search for reusable process models and ranking functions.
Implementation of a prototype.